Hello everyone! I am settled into my new place in Chicago and I have seen quite a bit and done soo much! I first moved out here on the train so no furniture or car, and I have found a tv, tv stand end tables and a couch on craigslist for under $50, which in my mind is fuckin sweet. I feel like I could write a blog about every day so far here. I'll just go over the important stuff.
So when my brother and I first got here we had about 11 bags and 4 boxes to move from the train station to my place. We were pretty lucky because the train station has these guys called "red caps" who will put all your shit onto a cart the drive and take it out of the station straight to the cab. We found a van cab, packed the crap out of it, and then took it to my house. Now here's the part that pisses me off. In the cap they have a menu and on that menu it says that helping out with bags and luggage is no extra cost... technically. Now the cab ride cost 14 bucks, and I gave him a 20 and told him to keep the change and then he goes up to my brother and says that I need to tip him more! That money grubbin ass clown! I told him to get out of here and he didn't put up any sort of a fight just drove away. They'll try to get as much money as they can out here. I had a cab driver who on "accident" charged me 2 dollars more than what I owed, or people will short change you, so if you come out to Chicago, you count your change and make sure your bill is the right one. Oh man today I don't want to write alot, I've been writing all day for my stand up course and comedy writing class. So I'll leave you with this, I have been using the free Internet at a cool coffee place called the Noble tree and I thought it was funny but on the 3rd floor of this coffee shop, they have couches and what not to chill out on, but there was this guy who just sleeps up there. I thought he was a homeless guy but saw that he had a laptop but never uses it, so maybe he's using a broken laptop to bullshit his way into this coffee shop. I took a photo of him and that's him. I just forgot about it but 3 days later I went back, and that son of a bitch was there again. I'd like to say he's definitely homeless. More to come.